Free trees and shrubs for Oshawa residents

The Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee (OEAC) is helping expand Oshawa’s tree canopy by providing free trees and shrubs to Oshawa residents and property owners.

Residents and property owners are invited to register online by Friday, October 8, 2021 to receive a free tree and/or shrub (up to two per household, limited quantity available). Three species are available for selection:

  1. White Cedar – a slow-growing coniferous tree with yellowish-green fan shaped twigs.
  2. Sugar Maple – the national tree of Canada which is a large deciduous tree with yellowish-green leaves.
  3. Black Chokeberry – a shrub that can be planted or remain potted that produces small white flowers and dark berries that can be used to make jams, teas and more.

Residents and property owners must be available to pick-up their plants the morning of Saturday, October 16, or will need to identify the name of the person who will be making the pick-up for them during the registration process.

There are a limited number of trees and shrubs available. The plants will be distributed in order of registration. After registration closes on Friday, October 8, 2021, all registrants will be notified of the status of their submission via email or phone (depending on the contact information provided). Successful registrants will be notified of the drive-through pick-up time and location before Saturday, October 16, 2021. To meet Covid-19 protocols, registrants are asked to remain in their car and open their trunk, as an attendant will load their tree and/or shrub. This event will run rain or shine.

The OEAC is an Advisory Committee of Council that assists, advises and educates City Council, staff and the community on issues related to the environment. For more information, visit

“Our growing tree canopy is one of our most valuable resources in the great City of Oshawa, improving not only the environment but also the quality of life for our community members,” said Mayor Dan Carter. “We thank the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee for helping green our city by encouraging and supporting residents and property owners in Oshawa to plant trees and shrubs on their properties.”

“The members of OEAC are committed to helping Oshawa increase the percentage of green cover throughout the area. Trees build the urban canopy and give many advantages such as helping to absorb both heat and greenhouse gases, supporting local wildlife and strengthening the soil structure,” said Valerie Bowler, Chair of the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee. “OEAC members have worked hard to organize this free give away so residents have the opportunity to get a tree for their property.  Three native species were selected because they will grow well in this climate and will support the local fauna. We hope it’s a big hit again this year!”


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