Now pay by card at Downtown Bowmanville parking lots

The Municipality of Clarington yesterday announced that Downtown Bowmanville municipal parking lots can now take debit and credit card payments.

Drivers can now pay for public parking by debit or credit at the municipal parking lots located at 30 Division Street, 166 Church Street, 132 Church Street and 20 King Street East. This measure is part of Clarington’s ongoing efforts to offer a modernized, convenient, and safe way to complete transactions, said a muncipal statement.

Since September, Clarington has been accepting mobile payments through the HotSpot Parking App, allowing residents and visitors to pay for public parking with their smartphones (see earlier story below). Coin payments are also accepted.

Paid on-street parking at the meters is in effect from 9 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday, for a maximum of two hours. Outside of these hours, including weekends and statutory holidays, parking is free but limited to three hours. On-street parking is prohibited year-round between 3 and 5 a.m. View municipal parking lot fees and hours.

The municipality said these new parking options make it easier than ever to shop local and visit historic downtown Bowmanville.

Earlier Story

Bowmanville parking fee by phone in days, by card planned

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