Pole, fence, tree kept getting in way of impaired driver

Durham Police said a 38-year-old male was arrested for impaired driving after leaving the scene of an accident and then striking a tree.

On Tuesday, January 10 at about 5:30 pm, a members of Central East Division responded to an initial call for an impaired driver in the area of Mary Street North and Beatrice Street West in Oshawa.

The suspect, who was operating a white GMC pick-up truck, struck a light standard. When emergency services attempted to render assistance, the suspect drove off. The suspect then struck a fence before coming to rest against a tree on a residential property near Sommerville Street and Beatrice Street West, said a police statement.

The suspect from Oshawa was charged and  released on an undertaking. Name and further details available at www.drps.ca.

If anyone has any information pertaining to this incident, please contact Cst. Maguire of Central East Division at 1-888-579-1520 ext.2491.

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