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Mayor Ashe defends universal changerooms at Chestnut Hill

Pickering Mayor Kevin Ashe has responded to recent concerns surrounding universal changerooms at the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex (CHDRC).

“These concerns have given rise to fears and misunderstandings in our community. It is crucial that we focus on the safety and well-being of all our residents,” he said.

The mayor said universal changerooms play a pivotal role in creating an inclusive and secure environment for all members of the community. “These facilities have been successfully implemented worldwide, with a strong emphasis on ensuring that individuals of all ages, gender identities, and abilities can access recreational facilities without facing discrimination or discomfort. Here in our province, these rights are enshrined in the Ontario Human Rights Code.”

Mayor Ashe said safety is a top priority for the community, encompassing both physical and emotional well-being. These changerooms are designed to ensure a safe and secure environment for all users, with individual changing stalls to allow private changing.

No incident so far

“Our facility and its users operate under a Respectful Conduct policy that addresses inappropriate behaviour, and any such behaviour is dealt with swiftly to protect our patrons. Our staff members are trained to be vigilant, ensuring the safety and security of all facility users, and they are ready to respond to any concerns or incidents promptly. It should be noted that there has never been an investigated incident on suspected predatory behaviour, or one that has resulted in assault, injury, or arrest.

“As a parent with two daughters as well as a 7-year-old granddaughter, I am extremely confident in the safety and security of the universal changerooms, and I would have no reservations with them using these facilities,” Mayor Ashe said.

He said it is disappointing that a member of council is continuing to spread this “false narrative”. These actions are in direct opposition to the will of council, and can ultimately be harmful towards many members of our community.

“Our community values inclusivity and is dedicated to providing a safe, welcoming environment for everyone, regardless of their gender identity. It is crucial that we work together to address misconceptions and fears, fostering an environment where everyone can participate in sports and recreational activities without fear or discrimination. By working together, we can create a more inclusive community where every resident is treated with dignity and respect,” the mayor said.

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2 thoughts on “Mayor Ashe defends universal changerooms at Chestnut Hill

  1. I am a 68 year old female. If I am changing in a change room and someone mom walks in with their 9 year old son , that is OK? I think not. why can you not have change stalls that provide privacy for all?

  2. To be fair, you should quote the actual concerns brought forward by the member of council…word for word. Misinformation shouldn’t be coming from the Mayor, who repeatedly targets this particular councillor…we all see it. Better yet, go see the washrooms to understand the concerns that this councillor brought forward & why.

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