Move over… too many emergency staff getting maimed or killed

Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) East Division was on a campaign last week to enforce the “move over” rule once emergency vehicles are spotted on the roads.

“The reason officers are doing the Move Over Initiative? Too many officers, tow truck drivers and emergency service personnel get injured or killed from drivers not moving over!” said a police advisory.

It followed after a driver failed to move over for an officer that had a vehicle stopped.

The driver received a $490 fine and three demerit points.

Move over, it’s the law,” said police after they spotted a truck and trailer (top image) that had failed to slow down and move over when officers were off with someone.

“If you can’t get over safely, slow down and signal your intent to move over, they advised.

The ticket

East Division officers reported few other HTA Sec 159(3) cases in Clarington last week, including another one where the driver (image below) was awarded a $490 fine for fail to slow and change lanes for emergency vehicle/tow truck, plus three demerit points.

“Move over, it’s the law,” reemphasized the police.


In yet another instance, a driver passed two cruisers that were off with other drivers, with their lights on.

This driver said they didn’t see the two separate traffic stops and failed to move over for both.

Police underlined that the move over initiative is to keep our roads safe.

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