Port Perry waterfront revitalization plan gets underway

The Township of Scugog has announced that the Port Perry Waterfront Action Plan revitalization projects are now underway.

It said the Port Perry waterfront area, geographically located along the eastern edge of Port Perry, along with the preservation and adaptive reuse of the Port Perry Grain Elevator (Old Mill), remains strategic initiatives for the township.

“The future of this area is vital due to its importance in terms of tourism, culture, recreation and economic development for the municipality,” said a statement.

It said implementation of the actions from the Port Perry Waterfront Action Plan have begun and notable improvements to the Palmer Park area can be seen such as the new accessible playground, music in the park (in partnership), collaborative holiday events (in partnership), enhanced seating areas with red Muskoka chairs, outdoor markets (summer thanks to Port Perry Farmers Market) and the Lakefront Skate and Market launched bringing winter skating and vendors to the area.

Other action items have been delivered and construction for larger items planned for this summer and continuing over the next few years through the capital program and made possible through successful grant funding.

Other notable projects and initiatives include:

Short term:

  • Trail improvements – Old Rail Lane connection (complete)
  • Kayak launchers (donated and complete)
  • New Joe Fowler Picnic Shelter and accessible tables (complete)
  • Lake Scugog – oil and grit separators (complete)
  • Enhanced seating – red Muskoka chairs (complete)
  • Winter skating – Lakefront Skate and Market (complete)
  • Pollinator garden north of boat launch (summer 2024)
  • Water Street Rehabilitation – improved pedestrian facilities, road rehabilitation (beginning summer 2024)
  • New splash pad (beginning end of summer 2024)
  • New public washroom (fall 2024 completion)

Long Term:

  • Additional Lake Scugog Enhancement Projects
  • Public Art installations (in partnership)
  • A new building for the marina, seniors, community uses and public square
  • Maintain the existing docks and expand to the north
  • Maintain south ball diamond and relocation of the northern baseball diamond to facilitate a youth focused zone (multiuse, basketball, pickleball)
  • Future urban square and development of the Old Mill (requires partnerships)
  • Open streets – enhanced pedestrian node for Queen Street
  • Relocate the pumping station – Durham Region project (2025)

The projects and initiatives listed are only a sampling of the full preferred plan. Many of the projects marked complete have been made possible through grant funding from the upper levels of government. Many future projects are also subject to funding. Visit my.scugog.ca/waterfront for the full list of projects.

The township plans to start the rehabilitation of Water Street (from Scugog Street to Queen Street) in August 2024. The scope of work for the Water Street project will include repaving, updated parking elements and a new pedestrian sidewalk. Two public information centres on the project will be hosted on Wednesday, May 22, at 1 pm and 4:30 pm in Scugog Council Chambers, 181 Perry Street, second floor.

Planning started in 2020

Beginning in 2020, an extensive public consultation campaign called #MyWaterfront was launched. The area of study included the waterfront lands that stretch from the boat launch in the north, along the waterfront of the library, the marina, the Old Mill, Palmer Park around to lands located behind the business area along Highway 7A (across from Tim Horton’s and behind Vos’ Independent).

Based on all the feedback from over 1500 participants, the township released three options for the waterfront in the spring of 2020 with a survey to gather public input on the various elements proposed in each of the options. A preferred plan was developed and released in the fall of 2020 for further public consultation.

On March 29, 2021, Scugog Council endorsed the Port Perry Waterfront Action Plan, which includes up to 50 revitalization and improvement initiatives.

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