Local artist to work with community on new artwork

Pickering has announced a project under which a local artist will work collaboratively with the community…

Durham CEO on $100m saved, new hospital, broadband, taxes…

Durham Region managed to save some $100 million by changing the way it worked, according to…

Airport Lands: It’s been 50 years, decide now, says Henry

With financing being announced for GO train to Bowmanville and process on new hospital started, attention…

Overtaking is not an excuse for speeding: police

DRPS Traffic Services yesterday clarified that one of the most common excuses for speeding by motorists…

Move over for emergency vehicles… or be charged

Durham Police yesterday charged a truck driver in Pickering for not moving over for emergency vehicles…

Ajax downtown is being energized: Mayor Collier

The Town of Ajax claims to be a lean institution that has managed to create a…

Whitby restricts towers to dockside to retain town-feel

The successful bid to host the proposed hospital in Durham could be Whitby Mayor Don Mitchell’s…

Paid waterfront parking unfortunate way to go: Mitchell

Whitby Mayor Don Mitchell thinks it’s a ‘terrible idea’ to charge visitors for waterfront parking. “I…

Tweetalong: Baby rescued, racing on Hwy 7 + more

DRPS Traffic Services yesterday were on a tweetalong recording mostly speeding and stunt driving cases. However,…

We’ve laid foundation for Pickering of the future: Dave Ryan

Pickering Mayor Dave Ryan expanded on the past, the present and the future of the city,…