No greenbelt land use to build 13,000 new homes: Clarington

Clarington has been assigned 13,000 new residential units to be built by 2031 to address the Minister’s Order which assigned housing targets to 29 rapidly growing municipalities across Ontario.

Staff Report PDS-009-23 has been prepared as a pledge to the province that Clarington will strive to support the Ontario Government’s initiative to build 1.5 million new homes over the next decade, provided that the province and the Region of Durham deliver key infrastructure like sewer and water to support the target, said a muniipal statement.

It said Clarington’s Housing Pledge seeks to provide a summary of the expected growth within Clarington and identifies some improvements and barriers that are key to achieving the 2031 housing target of 13,000 units.

An Action Plan is provided in Attachment 1 of PDS-009-23 Report, which will strive to assist in meeting the assigned municipal housing target for Clarington.

The statement pointed out that housing markets, rising interest rates, borrowing requirements, government policies, cost of materials, land values, delivery of public services, and the ability of the private sector to construct the units, should also be evaluated in order to deliver affordable and attainable housing for residents and future generations.

Greebelt lands safe

The municipality said it is able to meet the housing targets without any residential Urban Boundary Expansions or Greenbelt lands. The commitments within the signed Housing Pledge will assist in streamlining the development approval process as we continue towards these unit counts.

It is essential to note that the realization of the units is subject to market conditions and available infrastructure, said the statement.

The Housing Pledge has been signed and sent to the province, it added.

Clarington is deliberating allowing a twin 25-storey tower development in Bowmanville (see top image).

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