Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) yesterday issued a call to slow down after a couple of…
Tag: #StuntDriving
Noose tightening for stunt drivers, speedsters
Toronto: The Ontario government is taking strong action to protect road users against unsafe and aggressive…
Driver caught doing 132 kmh in a 70 zone
Two vehicles were stopped over the past few days for over speeding way past the road…
75-year old caught for stunt driving in Durham
A 75 yr old Clarington man has been charged with stunt driving & careless driving. His…
Car doing 180 kmh on Highway 401 blows out tire
A helicopter chase of a speeding vehicle along Highway 401 on Tuesday ended in the arrest…
1,270 speeding tickets issued in just 11 days
Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) said 1,270 speeding tickets have been issued in the first 11…
Air1 called in to stop stunt driver on Highway 401
Durham Regional Police Services (DRPS) yesterday said police helicopter Air1, as well as additional forces, were…
One does 155kmh in 80 zone, another zips by police
Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) yesterday reported two cases of high speed driving, Just after midnight…