Rouge River Bridge rehabilitation project in final stage

The Rouge River bridge work is in its final stages, according to GO operator Metrolinx.

“The bridge painting work is now complete, along with structural steel repairs on the main truss span,” said a Metrolinx notice.

In the coming weeks, crews will be removing scaffolding and progressively demobilizing from the site, followed by restoration work in the area.

The Rouge River Bridge Rehabilitation project is part of GO Expansion and supports a larger, system-wide plan to improve GO rail service on core segments of the network.

The bridge is a heritage property of provincial significance, and has been in-service for 117 years. The bridge rehabilitation will extend the life-cycle of the bridge structure by another 20 years.

The Rouge River Bridge is located at the mouth of the Rouge River, crossing two municipalities: the City of Toronto to the west, and the City of Pickering to the east along the Lakeshore East rail corridor.

Work on the rehabilitation of the Rouge River Bridge and tracks was begun on November 26 night. However, a fatal incident on the night of November 27 at the works in Pickering resulted in a temporary stoppage of work for a Ministry of Labour investigation.


The general scope of work is to rehabilitate the bridge and included:

  • Superstructure repairs: Blast cleaning, coating all structural steel and steel surfaces. Repair, strengthening and replacement of structural steel members.
  • Substructure repairs: Masonry stone repairs for the abutments and piers, crack injections and concrete path repairs, grout repairs at the approach span bearing pedestals and bearing replacement.
  • Deck: Replacement of timber deck ties and track, relocation and protection of existing communication utilities.
  • Approaches: Addition of approach slab, replacement of retaining walls, replacement of 25m of track on each side

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